How do you gayakan mouse for visitors to your blog.? Would you let a default or do renovations.?
Before this there are several tutorials like bubble , sparkle , or Following star . And this time, another modification that you can do, which rotates the object around the mouse like the picture below
Before this there are several tutorials like bubble , sparkle , or Following star . And this time, another modification that you can do, which rotates the object around the mouse like the picture below
You will also see examples of blogs in blog demo
tutorial below. 1. From dashboard> design> add a gadget> HTML / javascript. 2. Copy and paste the code below into the column HTML / javascript that you open. ( do not understand.? )
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
var xCol = "#FF0000";
var yCol = "#FFFF00";
var zCol = "#0000FF";
var n = 6; //number of dots per trail.
var t = 40; //setTimeout speed.
var s = 0.2; //effect speed.
var r,h,w;
var d = document;
var my = 10;
var mx = 10;
var stp = 0;
var evn = 360/3;
var vx = new Array();
var vy = new Array();
var vz = new Array();
var dy = new Array();
var dx = new Array();
var pix = "px";
var strictmod = ((document.compatMode) &&
document.compatMode.indexOf("CSS") != -1);
var domWw = (typeof window.innerWidth == "number");
var domSy = (typeof window.pageYOffset == "number");
var idx = d.getElementsByTagName('div').length;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
var dims = (i+1)/2;
d.write('<div id="x'+(idx+i)+'" style="position:absolute;'
+'<div id="y'+(idx+i)+'" style="position:absolute;top:0px;'
+'<div id="z'+(idx+i)+'" style="position:absolute;top:0px;'
if (domWw) r = window;
if (d.documentElement &&
typeof d.documentElement.clientWidth == "number" &&
d.documentElement.clientWidth != 0)
r = d.documentElement;
if (d.body && typeof d.body.clientWidth == "number")
r = d.body;
function winsize()
var oh,sy,ow,sx,rh,rw;
if (domWw)
if (d.documentElement && d.defaultView &&
typeof d.defaultView.scrollMaxY == "number")
oh = d.documentElement.offsetHeight;
sy = d.defaultView.scrollMaxY;
ow = d.documentElement.offsetWidth;
sx = d.defaultView.scrollMaxX;
rh = oh-sy;
rw = ow-sx;
rh = r.innerHeight;
rw = r.innerWidth;
h = rh;
w = rw;
h = r.clientHeight;
w = r.clientWidth;
function scrl(yx)
var y,x;
if (domSy)
y = r.pageYOffset;
x = r.pageXOffset;
y = r.scrollTop;
x = r.scrollLeft;
return (yx == 0)?y:x;
function mouse(e)
var msy = (domSy)?window.pageYOffset:0;
if (!e) e = window.event;
if (typeof e.pageY == 'number')
my = e.pageY - msy + 16;
mx = e.pageX + 6;
my = e.clientY - msy + 16;
mx = e.clientX + 6;
if (my > h-65) my = h-65;
if (mx > w-50) mx = w-50;
function assgn()
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
dy[j] = my + 50 * Math.cos(stp+j*evn*Math.PI/180) *
Math.sin((stp+j*25)/2) + scrl(0) + pix;
dx[j] = mx + 50 * Math.sin(stp+j*evn*Math.PI/180) *
Math.sin((stp+j*25)/2) * Math.sin(stp/4) + pix;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (i < n-1)
vx[i].top = vx[i+1].top; vx[i].left = vx[i+1].left;
vy[i].top = vy[i+1].top; vy[i].left = vy[i+1].left;
vz[i].top = vz[i+1].top; vz[i].left = vz[i+1].left;
vx[i].top = dy[0]; vx[i].left = dx[0];
vy[i].top = dy[1]; vy[i].left = dx[1];
vz[i].top = dy[2]; vz[i].left = dx[2];
function init()
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
vx[i] = document.getElementById("x"+(idx+i)).style;
vy[i] = document.getElementById("y"+(idx+i)).style;
vz[i] = document.getElementById("z"+(idx+i)).style;
if (window.addEventListener)
if (window.attachEvent)
3. Save and see the result. ADDITIONAL. i) For anyone that change the color of the object, can change in the code. ( look for the color code.? )
xCol var = "# FF0000 ";
var yCol = "# FFFF00 ";
var zCol = "# 0000FF ";
ii) of the Code requires that you use the layout template.
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